30 December 2010

Christine O'Donnell, STFU!

First was the psychological defect (homosexuality).  Then came the witchcraft.  Now, she's attacking Biden.  Lady, please get a life; stay out of politics.  And pay your debts.

This has been a PSA by MindSludge.  Thanks.

22 December 2010


How happy are we to see this, the repeal of the arcane, homophobic "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy?  This story was a very high point in my day.

The policy never made sense.  I mean, discharging soldiers because they deviate from the sexual norm when you're fighting wars that demand ever more personnel.  Really?

No sense in wasting brain cells.

21 December 2010

On my mind

I read this story and this other one (it's an opinion piece) from NewsOne the other day and they've both been on my mind since.  We are still living in an era of Jim Crow.  The difference is, back then, they told you upfront.  Now, it's veiled behind carefully selected words like "capitalism", "equality", and "multiculturalism".  Diversity and equality are just illusions in this America.

Furthermore, I stand by the Georgia prisoners.  Being convicted of a crime does not make you less than human.  Making a man rot in a cell is torture, and it only makes him into an animal.  No one can go into those conditions and emerge unchanged; that environment is inherently evil, and corrupts even the best that survive it.  If incarceration is such a great thing, such a huge deterrent, then why are the return rates so high?  JOBS.  But not for the prisoners.  Of course not- it wouldn't be right.  DISENFRANCHISEMENT.  What happens when you have a felony?  You can't vote.  Round up all the folks who you want to disenfranchise, prosecute them under ridiculous, arbitrary and unevenly-enforced laws, and boom.  You've just undone the 15th Amendment and the Voting Rights Act.  Legally.

Wow, Finally!

I now have a blog(ger).  Praise the lord and pass the ammunition!  First official duty: sleep. 
